Progressive Intercultural Community Services Society
Family & Community Emergency & Government Services
Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS) Society is a registered non-profit society in good standing with annual reports and other required documents filed and up to date with the BC Registrar of Societies. We are a United Way Member Agency with PCTIA certification.
As a community services society, we provide various programs and services including Employment Programs, Settlement Services, Language Services, Social Programs and Housing Services. Our services assist new immigrants, seniors, farm workers, women and youth. We work diligently to provide responsive programs that address various issues within our community by promoting harmony and intercultural understanding for the purpose of building a more inclusive and mutually respectful society.
Our Society’s revenues now come from private, individuals, organizations, government, diverse foundations, BC Gaming Branch and United Way of the Lower Mainland. To remain effective and dynamic, we continue to build on our strengths in partnerships within the South Asian community. We have grown to offer a wide range of employment programs, housing services, and social programs.