PEAK Emergency Response Training
Health & Wellness Government, Education, Training
PEAK (1998) is a Canadian and US based corporation that provides emergency response and management training predominantly (but not exclusively) to non-urban responders such as professional and volunteer ski patrollers, search & rescue personnel, CAT and heli-ski guides and other non-urban first Responders. In addition we provide training to a vast array of recreation type industries such as lifeguards, river & mountain guides, mountain bike patrollers, sea kayakers, etc.
PEAK provides specialized training programs for non-urban responders who are required to operate at a level of care which exceeds most other urban focused first responder training. Our programs provide the necessary skills and knowledge to efficiently manage incidents in the rugged terrain and vastness of the back-country.
Mountain activities bring many recreation-associated enthusiasts to the outdoor and remote locations where the advanced pre-hospital care provided by paramedics may not be accessible or their response significantly delayed. PEAK's programs bridge the gap between incidents and pre-hospital care, saving critical time and assessing and providing medical response to patients in immediate need of intervention.
Our programs are designed specifically to address the in-situ patient care and risk management concerns of organizations and corporations that operate in the non-urban environment. The ‘Advanced Protocol Training Program’ (AP) that PEAK has offered since 1998 and our 'Non-Urban Emergency Care' (NUEC) training programs specifically meet the emergency response needs not currently met under conventional training programs available to non-paramedical responders.