OWL Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society
Agriculture Family & Community
O.W.L. is a society through the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations. O.W.L. is on call seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day for any raptor emergencies.
The facility specializes in raptors (eagles, falcons, hawks, ospreys, owls, & vultures). Raptor patients at O.W.L. number over six hundred each year and are sent to O.W.L. from all over British Columbia, other provinces, and the U.S.A, with the majority of the birds arriving from the Lower Mainland with the help of a network of volunteers. We also get assistance from conservation officers, veterinary clinics, police officers, highway maintenance crews, and other community groups.
O.W.L. continues to expand their programs and the facility through public donations and the support of companies who provide sponsorships, materials, and supplies. We undertook development of a Wildlife Museum to enhance the educational programs and to increase public awareness of raptors, their habitat, and the environmental impact people have on the natural world.
O.W.L. regularly accepts work experience and veterinary students from various provinces and even from other countries. The students obtain practical skills in raptor rehabilitation, including raptor medical care, handling, and husbandry.