Delta Community Foundation
Family & Community
Delta Community Foundation provides financial support to charitable and non-profit organizations serving residents of Delta and to graduating Delta students through scholarships and bursaries.
The Rotary Club of Ladner founded the Delta Foundation in 1986 under the Societies Act of British Columbia. Since 1987 the Delta Foundation has been registered with the Canada Revenue Agency and assigned a charity number. It has grown to become the Delta Community Foundation in 2021, a strong, independent organization that serves Delta, with assets that have reached $3 million and continue to grow. A fundraising campaign was structured in the winter of 2021 with a goal of raising 5 million.
Officers and directors of the Delta Community Foundation are community volunteers, accountable under the authority of the Societies Act of BC and the Canada Revenue Agency. Administration costs are minimal, covering the cost of a part time Administrator, Directors’ insurance, postal, and stationary costs.
The first board of directors in 1986 included Duncan Goheen as chair; Ernie Burnett as Vice Chair; Chester Walden as Treasurer; Peter Podovinikoff as Secretary; Stan Thomas and Colin Thompson as Directors.
Curt Hiller can speak more on the solid investment policy that has allowed the continual growth of the Delta Community Foundation.