The Delta Chamber is collaborating with the City to host an event for businesses representatives where you can learn more about the draft financial plan when it is released and share feedback on your business priority needs. This is your opportunity to get involved.
Join us on Oct. 22 between 5 pm and 7 pm at the Harris Barn. There will be a short presentation and opportunity for questions followed by a social where you can speak with staff and review a budget display.
For more information about the process, please visit the City of Delta Budget Consultation page - Budget Consultation 2024 | Let's Talk Delta
In advance of the event, you are invited to complete a feedback form to share your views on City services and operations and goals and priorities. The results can then be shared with attendees at the social event. The City is collecting feedback through to Sept. 28.
You can find the form here.
Registration is not required, though will be helpful to plan sufficient seating and light snacks.
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